During his lifetime, Dr. Billy Graham spoke to an audience of more than 212 billion people—that included crusades, radio, and TV as well as 215 million people in the stadiums of 185 countries. He has spoken to more people than anyone else in history. As a result, millions of people professed faith in Christ. He invited people to make personal decisions to follow Christ even while he spoke to the systemic sins of racism, injustice, and inequality. Dr. Graham regarded Dr. Martin Luther King as a modern-day prophet and Dr. King regarded Dr. Graham as an ally in fighting racism and injustice. In Acts chapter 8, we see how the evangelist Philip also broke down racial barriers as he led a revival in Samaria and led the Ethiopian Eunuch to accept Christ. Philip the Evangelist, Dr. Graham, and Dr. King all knew the body of Christ has no racial or cultural barriers. As they pursued their God-given mission, they presented Jesus Christ in an unbiased way as God’s unfailing prophet, the only acceptable person to pay our sin debt, and as God’s King to rule the universe. Today, God expects us to model and promote justice, and to tell people about His Son.

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