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In a Family Circle article, Dr. Wayne Dyer offers eight secrets of a joyful life: (1) Practice daily meditation. (2) Be conscious of the foods you eat. (3) Stay away from things like alcohol, drugs, excess caffeine, and sugar. (4) Avoid hard negative music. (5) Nurture a peaceful home atmosphere. (6) Reduce exposure to commercial TV. (7) Display cheerful photos. 8) Choose friends who affirm and empower you. These are all helpful ideas, but compare them with what Jesus said is the secret of a productive and joy-filled life. To His disciples in the Upper Room (John 15) and to all His followers, Jesus said the secret of a productive life is being connected to Him. He said you remain connected to me if you obey the commands I give you, and if you love one another as I have loved you. He said the benefits of staying joined to Him are enormous: (1) We bear fruit—we develop character like His, and win others to Him. (2) We experience an indescribable friendship with Him. (3) We enjoy answered prayer. (4) We experience joy. Jesus said, “I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow.” So Jesus, the Master Teacher says the secret of a productive and joy-filled life is to stay connected to Him — by loving and obeying Him, and by showing love to one another.

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