In some wars, the military has to engage the enemy on land, air, and water at the same time; and doing so is not easy. It takes extensive experience. It’s similar to dealing with multiple challenges in the Christian life. After planting a church in the town of Thessalonica, the Apostle Paul later wrote to them on how to deal with multiple issues they had to face. They were coping with persecution from people who did not like the idea of a religion alternative to their own. False teachers had come to town bringing a different gospel than Paul preached. Plus they had to cope with temptations that appeal to fleshly desires: the urge to possess stuff, and the passion for power and prestige. Paul counseled them to remain steadfast in the truth he taught them. He wrote in 2 Thessalonians CH 2, “Dear brothers and sisters, stand firm and keep a strong grip on the teaching we passed on to you.” Paul knew that victory in all these areas comes from clinging to Jesus Christ and not wavering from the truth God has given us in His Word.

Dr. Melvin E. Banks, Sr.

Dr. Melvin E. Banks, Sr. is the founder and chairman of UMI (Urban Ministries, Inc.). Under his direction, UMI has grown to be a leading publisher of Christian education resources for churches in the African American community. Read More

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