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Recent studies suggest that mental depression is a growing problem in our society. Experts cannot pinpoint the exact cause, but they know that over a ten year period people using medicine for depression has doubled–even though research shows African Americans prefer counseling over pills. The author of psalm 92 was downcast and despaired of life. Far from home and the Temple, symbols of God’s presence, he felt God had abandoned him. He honestly asks himself, “Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad?” Yet notice in the midst of his depression, he did not forget the source of his past joy. He cried out, “I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again – my Savior and my God!” Many people today often feel over whelmed when trouble comes. Far too often, they forget God and rely only on medicine. The psalmist chose to meditate on God. He knew that by reflecting on God’s love, wisdom, power, God’s presence would fill his heart. He would soon realize God is bigger than his problem; so he did not need to stay depressed. He knew that peace and contentment can be found in God’s presence. So today, child of God, when trouble begins to rob you of your peace and joy, fall on your knees, pour out your heart to God, and stay there until God lifts your spirit.

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