Alice Calch offers these tips for people living with no purpose. She says, write down how you spend your time. Set a long term goal and identify the steps you need to get there. Periodically, check your progress. Overcome the fear of failure by taking small risks. Ignore criticism from naysayers. Establish friendships with rightminded people. Visualize yourself meeting your goal. Separate your dream goals from other to-do lists.  Avoid letting distractions be excuses. Persist toward your goal. Long ago ancient Israel lost their chance to live a productive life when they rejected God’s purpose and failed to enter the Promised Land. God had set before them the hilarious promise of inheriting a bountiful land, of modeling a moral lifestyle for the entire world, and to prepare for the Messiah’s arrival. But when the test came to trust God and enter the Promised Land, they fumbled the ball. They rejected God’s offer and were sentenced to wander and die in a deserted wilderness for 40 years, without purpose, productivity, and joy. We can avoid living a purposeless life if we accept and submit to Jesus Christ and allow God’s Spirit to guide us and direct our paths.

Dr. Melvin E. Banks, Sr. is the founder and chairman of UMI (Urban Ministries, Inc.). Under his direction, UMI has grown to be a leading publisher of Christian education resources for churches in the African American community. Read More

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