Harriet Tubman gave escaping slaves tips to guide them. She told them to follow the North Star, and if it was cloudy to remember that moss grows on the north side of trees. These signs gave slaves the assurance they were heading in the right direction as they sought to escape the brutality of slavery. Slaves could find freedom knowing the North Star was a reliable guide. That same principle was at work 3,000 years ago when David’s friend, Jonathan helped David escape from Saul’s wrath. We find in 1 Samuel chapter 20, that Jonathan knew God wanted David to become king, so when he found out his own father, Saul, intended to kill David, he sent a secret message to his friend telling him to run for his life, which he did.  Today, we’re often faced with wanting to know how to proceed in some situations. Our primary North Star should be God’s written word, the Bible. There we find principles of right and wrong, justice and righteousness. If we are still undecided, we humbly ask God to direct our paths. If our strong desire is to obey the will of God, we can then proceed with caution, confident that God will make all things work together for His glory and our good.

Dr. Melvin E. Banks, Sr. is the founder and chairman of UMI (Urban Ministries, Inc.). Under his direction, UMI has grown to be a leading publisher of Christian education resources for churches in the African American community. Read More

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