C.T. Studd wrote these memorable lines: “Only one life, twill soon be past, only what’s’ done for Christ will last.” That simple phrase has inspired countless people to consider their legacy and serve Jesus Christ more passionately. It could be that King David was thinking of his legacy when he told the Prophet Nathan about his desire to build a Temple for God. A temple would be a place to worship but also be a memorial of King David’s legacy. But God had a bigger plan for David. God told Nathan to tell the king, “I declare that the LORD will build a house for you—a dynasty of kings! For when you die and join your ancestors, I will raise up one of your descendants, one of your sons, and I will make his kingdom strong.” “I will confirm him as king over my house and my kingdom for all time, and his throne will be secure forever.” We know Jesus Christ descended from David. There are times when a building, park, or roadway is named to remind us of people long since passed away. But the legacy of a well-lived life is worth far more than a named building. A submitted life to God will leave a legacy for our children and others that lasts far longer than any building.

Dr. Melvin E. Banks, Sr. is the founder and chairman of UMI (Urban Ministries, Inc.). Under his direction, UMI has grown to be a leading publisher of Christian education resources for churches in the African American community. Read More

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