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Despite his recent issues, experts say Tiger Woods is still the greatest golfer in over 50 years. He learned to golf by watching and mimicking his father. He won his first contest at age two, and the rest is history. The Apostle Paul points us to a far greater Model after which we can pattern our lives. First, he encourages us to use him as an example; but then he identifies for us the ideal Model that he himself aims to follow. Writing to the church at Philippians, Chapter 3, Paul testifies how he had set aside all his earthly values and impressive gains, for the infinite privilege of knowing and being united with Jesus Christ, and living to please him. Ever since he met Jesus on the road to Damascus, Paul moved from being self-centered to being Christ centered. He writes, “Everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead.” He writes, “I press on to reach the perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me…I focus on this one thing: to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God through Christ is calling us.” Paul’s greatest ambition was to know Christ intimately and reflect Christ’s values in everything he did. The Apostle’s ambition might well be ours also.

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