Reports say nearly 300,000 students are bullied or assaulted each month; and 86% of teens say bullying is the number one reason teens turn to lethal violence at school. 160,000 students avoid school each day for fear of being bullied; and 10% drop out of school for the same reason. Bullying is an attempt to dehumanize another person, to show scorn. It can be physical, verbal, social, or online. Of course, bullying is not new nor is it limited to youth. We read in Matthew Ch 27 that as Jesus was hanging on the cross, people passing by shouted abuse, shaking their heads in mockery. The leading priests, the teachers of religious law, and the elders also mocked Jesus. He saved others,” they scoffed, “But he can’t save himself! So he is the King of the Israel, is he? Let him come down from the cross right now, and we will believe in him! He trusted God, so let God rescue him now if he wants him!” Bullying is hurtful. It’s dehumanizing and wrong, then and now. May we as followers of Jesus Christ do all we can to stop it.
Dr. Melvin E. Banks, Sr.
Dr. Melvin E. Banks, Sr. is the founder and chairman of UMI (Urban Ministries, Inc.). Under his direction, UMI has grown to be a leading publisher of Christian education resources for churches in the African American community. Read More