Here are some reasons experts say we should be very careful of what we post on social media: 1)Nothing we say is really private; 2) Our friends all have friends who share with each other; 3) content has a long shelf-life; 4) posts are searchable; 5) not all jokes are funny; 6) employers look online to see what employees say about them; 7) people we want to do business with search online; 8) our entire reputation is at risk online; 9) whatever we say online is visible forever—we can never retrieve it. Consider this: What we post online comes from our heart just as all we say with our tongue. So what the writer James says about the use of our tongue applies to what we place on social media. In James 3 we read, “The tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches… A tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. And the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself.” That being said, it makes good sense to watch what we post on social media. If we are not careful, what we put online innocently, could one day come back to bite us.

Dr. Melvin E. Banks, Sr.

Dr. Melvin E. Banks, Sr. is the founder and chairman of UMI (Urban Ministries, Inc.). Under his direction, UMI has grown to be a leading publisher of Christian education resources for churches in the African American community. Read More

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